Sunday, September 1, 2013

Colorado’s Secretary Of State Shall Be Charge with The Management of Colorado’s Gangs Organizations. Pursuant to; the Proposed Colorado Gang Organized Business Act.

Created by;  Gary W. Wilder                                                                            Sunday September 01 , 2013

A product of Political Intellectual Property, Inc.

Under The Control Of Secretary Of State, The Proposed lobby initiative the  Gang Management, specifically, regarding all  associated Gang Violence Activities shall Fall Pursuant To The Colorado Gang Organized Business Act, And the (Gang Code) order of compliance.  

The focus is in the event that a gang organization so chooses to engage in illegal activities or violence. The gang organization will fall under the control of the law enforcement agency, and the Secretary of State. Where, an organization as defined under the laws could, be taken into receivership. All gang assets and the assets of the gang members[1] shall be, seized by the state. 

However, the gang organization may denounce the action of the member in question.  First, by providing a statement that, the member acted independently, and that said member’s action is apart from the views of the gang organization. Secondly, it shall be clear in the gang organization’s minutes of their meetings that, there was an indication that the member was going to cause trouble, thus,  becoming logged in and noted in the record. 

Upon, verification by the records condemning the related act in question, then, the gang organization will not be held liable for the other gang members detached operative. (However, the gang organization is obligated to witness in a court of law). In the event that, the incident in question ended with the loss of life, injury, and or property damage, the gang organization shall be held liable, as the responsible party.

Thereafter, it is the Responsibility of gang organizations, where the heads of organization, shall police their own members. In addition, keep them in compliance with the law, their activities whether in plain site or hidden is the responsibility of the gang organization. More importantly, must never place the public at large in harm’s way. This is the responsibility of the leaders of the organization; it is the responsibility of the administrative head to keep members abreast of the laws giving the Gang and the gang organization while in operation and conducting their Business the Opportunity to Comply.

The gang organizations’ business, as an organization/ (gang) once established under the laws of the state must stay in compliance, of the Colorado crime control act article 17 title 18; the secretary of state will administer the comportment of registration. In addition, communicate with the various divisions the state corporate business and organization departments. Shall also govern the guidelines of a gang organization registration and license issuance, as of which will be mandatory under the Sate of Colorado. Thus, any gang organization in operation in the State of Colorado unregistered (Shall) be, considered operating in direct violation of the RICO and COCA act. Any group who falls under the gang affiliation shall be, sited as a gang organization in violate of the order.

Thereafter, any gang organization or its members, found to be in violation. If said  organization and its members are determined to be in such violations, shall be, brought before a court by ticket and summons, for the violation of non-registration, for the violation of non-insurance and for the violation of non-licensing as required by law.

Following such violation, an interrogatory motion shall be filed by the states special litigation unit. For the determination, as to whether or not the group has engaged in organized criminal activities, moreover, has the group with intent by action stepped toward the act. On the other hand the consideration shall be taken as to whether or not; it is a normal business activity, in absent a tax license, registration, insurance, and certificate. Once, established both ways a fine will be imposed, and the order given, to come with in compliance of the state laws; under the (Gang Codes) order of no harm, no foul just get into compliance and follow the rules.

The state shall take action by tracking and identifying the gang organization, and its members. In addition, to impose a regulatory scheme upon them as an action of discouragement to engage gang activities in the state of Colorado without authorization. Bottom line, the regulatory scheme will generate funds by imposed fines. The funds shall be placed in a dedicated account towards the reeducation and identifying of mentally ill, individuals who may one day orchestrate, and act out a mass crime against the public at large, under the umbrella of the gang code the purposed of the gang code is not specifically aimed at gang organization and its member, but rather a bulwarks put in place to help identify and track potential misguided young adults who will fall under the proposed gang management.

The Gang Code is a body of laws that will hunt down rogue individuals who intend to do harm to others, by planed random senseless killings. The proposed gang management will utilize the eyes and ears of organizations already operating in the state or the [u]nited states. Such organization and its members are currently not regulated towards the cause of solution to the random mass shooting. The proposed initiative only suggests, that the state utilize a powerful asset and resources of individuals who are already in the main stream of life, emphasizing, that the gang code is not an attack on the gang organization or its members, nor their choice of profession of the gang life style. The (Gang Code), contrary to belief, is an amnesty protective order and treaty initiative, geared towards solving two problems. One Gun Control, and Two Random Mass Murders; by utilizing the currently established gang violence law enforcement profile, this goal can be achieved.

Therefore, under the (Gang Code) proposed initiative; drawing the line as to where to start in the regulatory scheme. The whole matter of gang management is the vehicle chosen and adopted by the state placing the secretary of state in charge of the administration of the gang code. Where after, in the event that, a non-registered Gang Organization is identified; the gang organization, under the first time mandatory consideration will be given.

Thereafter, said gang organization, and or its members shall be given an opportunity to comply with state regulatory schemes. Thus, as a consequence for none compliance ,  they will denounce their gang organization and affiliation along with its colors trade names, logos, insignia including  all symbols and  letters, hand signs and any other materials shall be confiscated and incorporated as the property of the named state of Colorado and shall registered as such placing a incentive value upon the compliance. (Removing all associated identity, from circulation). Said individuals will agree to not engage in any gang activities within the Named Sates of Colorado and will forfeit all right to the materials confiscated. A state’s County District Court, shall accept such agreement for recording, regarding all materials made none available. Thereafter, no other organization may use the information, without infringing upon the right of the state.

[1] Once a receivership or a confiscation of gang asset takes place then all physical assets from cars to cell phones computers all equipment used in the operation of the organization may be taken in to receivership and sorted out legally.

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