Sunday, December 15, 2013

Arapahoe High School shooting: Adding another tragic event directly related to a young misguided adult. Karl Halverson Pierson, 18. A student at Arapahoe High School, failed to properly rationalize and negotiate his options while under emotional stress brought on by an "confrontation or disagreement" with his teacher. This young adult suffers under the condition of emotional moral stress syndrome a form of mental illness. Caused by developmental abandonment, the lack of supervision, discipline, and/or have been left unattended. Identifying, an disorder to be called emotional moral stress syndrome as a factor, the unseen disorder, due to the generational gap as to be defined under the proposed Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s Gang Code.

Created by;  Gary W. Wilder                                                                                                                                          December 15 , 2013

A product of Political Intellectual Property, Inc.


            In conclusion of the proposed Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act and its Gang Code. Following the events of random school shootings,  that have taken place during the posting of the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act and its Gang Code. Have, created a parallel interest regarding the proposed provisions that directly deal with the misguided youth who commit horrific senseless killing of their peers.

Defining the Generational Gap as Possible Cause and Effect.

            There is a new breed of children, this new generation of children, operate under a different set of emotional moral values. These emotional moral values are foreign to the previous generation; the key word being generation(s); the meanings of this word are as followed: age group, cohort, age band, age bracket. Also include the word production (noun); making, creating, invention, initiation origination are associated words with, the word generation.

            The definition of the word generation: 1. Group of contemporaries all of the people who were born at approximately the same time, considered as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes 2. Stage in descent a single stage in the descent of a family or a group of people, animals, or plants, or the individual members of that stage. • three generations down the line 3. Time taken to produce new generation the period of time that it takes for people, animals, or plants to grow up and produce their own offspring, in humans held to be between 30 and 35 years. • after three generations of war and conflict 4. Particular generation in sequence a particular numbered stage in the sequence of generations of a person being identified with a particular characteristic. (usually used in combination) • A first-generation immigrant• a third-generation graduate 5. New type a particular stage in the development of a product or technology, especially one marking a significant advance. • One of the new generation of computers 6. Phase in life cycle one of the successive phases that make up the life cycle of some organisms. • The gametophyte generation 7. Production of young the act or process of bringing offspring into being. 8. Nuclei in chain reaction physics in a chain reaction, a group of nuclei that come from a previous group. Source “Encarta Dictionary”

            One can see the complexity of the multiple categories used in defining the word generation. This word is used to describe our relationship between our offspring. As we extrapolate from the various forms defining the word generation we see a great distance in time between each generation thereof. The distance is measured in years in humans it is held to be between 30 and 35 years. If one considers this factor and the factor of parental linage grandparent, parents, and offspring this calculate to a linear distance between 30 to 90 years and 35 to 105 years. This is the key factor in understanding the term introduced as… there is a new breed of children. The generation that they are a part of operates under a different set of emotional moral values becoming the unseen and unattended social subject matter. Manifesting itself as a disorder due to the “generational gap” disrupting the communication between each generation, if grandparents do not see or catch this, nor will the parents of their offspring. Becoming virtually unchecked, leaving a child to develop on their own adopting whatever emotion, and morals they can learn from, TV, video games, predators, and each other.

            As parents in today’s times we are far detached from our children’s disabilities by our inability to relate to our newly created generation. In most cases we use old outdated tactics to solve updated modern problems. We as parents lack clear understanding, when dealing with a new type of child at a particular stage in their development. No different from that of a new product or technology, especially when the new generation is making a significant evolutionary advancement within a new life cycle. For example; the new generation of computers as we know continuously change with each new generation. We know that old technologies are incompatible with each new generation of computers, in a like manner when dealing with new generation of children it is also looked upon, in the same light.

            Since we can agree on this fact, then it becomes easier for us to see the problem plaguing our children with their new generation emotional moral values among other new generational problems not understood. Perhaps one could consider the possibility, that modern children lack the ability to rationalize stressful situation absent imparted generational history. Because as a rule most parent think of their children as being smart, and/or beyond their own intellect, giving rise to question whether we have abandoned our children to their own intellect. Leaving it up to them to figure out life; based upon our flattery towards our children’s intellect. Ultimately, we have failed to program basic emotional and moral copping skills, which should come from the previous generation experience of life.

Concluding The Action To Be Taken By Considering This Proposal The Recommendation To Gang Management Personified By The Continuing Threat Of Random School Shootings Stand As Proof That Specialized Legislative Measures Must Be Considered And Action Taken To Stop Senseless Killing By Out Of Control Children And Young Adults.

The proposal of the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act, as outlined throughout the postings is an intellectual concept derived from various observations of known statistics, and/or the violent documented events throughout the years in dealing with the gang organized criminal element. This project is a suggestive solution put before the various leaders of the congress, legislators, government officials, senators, governors, local state law enforcement agencies, and the citizens of the United States, and resident of the named state Colorado.


            The lobby intent of the author Gary Wayne Wilder the proposed deterrent solutions by imposing regulatory self management, towards, and by gang organization to be done by classifying gangs as business entities. Further lobby intent, to propose mandatory registration, licensing, mandatory liability insurance, and bonding of gang organization and it members. The lobby intent; include the Recommendation to gang management towards legislation, with  intent to lobby congress to pass a bill for an act call the Colorado Gang Organized Business Act and its Gang Code for the posted proposed reasons as  mentioned.

            It is the intent of the lobbyist to get this proposed laws into the form of a bill before the people, and the general assembly of this the name state of Colorado. However, it is the intent of the author’s will to present this same proposal to other states in the event that Colorado is not interested in being the first to initiate the Gang Code. First, the intellectual property is offered to the state of Colorado, and its people, the residents. Thereafter, shall be sent, out to multiple states, for their consideration of the topics as disclosed, below and as found to be throughout the proposal as a whole.

           The topics of this lobby efforts; are gang members, rogue individuals of violence, mentally ill individual with the tendency to become violent, child abuse, bullying, gang violence, gun control regulation, parental guidance and education, and the management thereof. Each of these topics is directly related to one another, and/or in some way directly affecting a child’s development. Thereafter, as a direct consequence of child abuse caused by unsupervised adolescence during their developmental stage, leading to young adults being left with mental illness undiagnosed.

 The Topics Will Relate to The Following:
  • Treatment for disturbed children, and young adults as detected.
  • The refinement and deterrents towards children affected, by the newly passed legalization of marijuana.
  • The new law requires alternative harnessing the sales taxes of marijuana by organized gangs.
  • The new law requires reeducating, and assisting the parents of violent children.
  • The new law requires a deterrent for gang recruitment of a child shall be classified as child abuse.
  • The new law requires reclassification of current gang terminologies; to be classified as adult activities, with the option of automatic emancipation through, the court system.
  • The new law requires mandatory registration and licensing by the Secretary of state.
  • The new law requires mandatory liability insurance and bonding of gang members.
  • The new law requires parental control, through disciplinary training of accepted methods.
  • The new law requires the imposition of sanctions for violent diagnosed children.
  • The new law requires one-year military disciplinary school for advanced children who display adult cognate thinking at an early stage, displayed by acting out without consideration for anyone else. 
  • The new law requires re-installing school disciplinary physical action under a trained and certified person classified as an disciplinary officer; the principal, vise principal, and any designated personnel shall be trained to use physical punishment in the correction of a child who is a disciplinary problem.