Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Recognizing, The Nature Of Passed Gang Violence, And Their Engagement In Organized Crime, while actively recruiting children.

Created by;  Gary W. Wilder                                                                            Tuesday October 01 , 2013

A product of Political Intellectual Property, Inc.


    Recognizing, The Nature Of Passed Gang Violence, And Their Engagement In Organized Crime. Under The Proposed Gang Management System Shall Be The Requirement Of   Mandatory Disclosure Towards Those Who Would Operate Under The Banter An Of Gang Organization, With The Intent Of Forming A Gang, and  Actively Recruiting Children.

Because, there has been in the past documented Gang Violence, verified as found in various court records, and as identified in various published court cases, wherein such cases reflective of gang activities. Wherein, it can be said, that gangs are organized for illegal, rebellious, and criminal activities, that are  unregulated. Reiterating, the language as found in previous post, that, the concept of responsibility must be installed within the gang organisations themselves, under the guise of civility.

Hereinafter, lies the (suggestive) legislative proposal of recommended Gang Management. Wherein, there must be new laws drafted and passed. For the purpose, of educating; the public, and the potential target recruitment of a  (child) in to the gang organization. Where, under such new laws an action shall be requirement of such gang organization, which would recruit a child, any gang organization doing so will be required by law to disclose such activities. Pursuant to the Gang Code’s first requirement of recruitment of a child disclosure; the alternative to joining a gang is education, disclosure is mandatory by law. When a potential recruit is a law abiding citizen resident of Colorado, or is a minor, and or a young adult 18-21, who lacks direction, then he or she is given an opportunity to look at other organization and institution who would also recruit such individual,as potential recruits.

          The legislation intent of the General Assembly, should be to make such a reality, in addition, the general assembly itself must pass a good piece of legislation, that will prompt new laws to be passed. Aimed, towards gang organization, and its members who are engaged in child recruiting practices. The new provisioned laws "shall" include the language of a mandatory disclosure of other options available to any recruit, besides,  the option of joining the gang organisation doing the recruitment. Under the requirement of mandatory disclosure toward any initial recruit. Under the newly proposed law, the mandatory requirement of informing targeted recruit, that by joining a gang will lead  to a life of potential criminal activities, verses, the alternative of further education for a bright future as an law-abiding member of society.

Lending to the fact, that the gang itself under the proposed must as a  organization be registered. all gang organisation are required to disclose alternative options, before taking on, a new member. Before, any individual is required to registration as a new member of the organization. Mandatory support disclosure will also be given, by the state in the form of an education package.  The assigned state business representative will ask by a questioner,  the following:

Ø     Did you know, that there are grants available to individuals, who wish to go to college, and further their education?

Ø Did you know, that you could join the military as an alternative to joining a gang organisation. By joining the military  you as a recruit will reap the benefits of discipline. While learning what it means to be a productive member of society?

Ø   Did you know, that if you are convicted of a felony in your young life. The conviction may stop you later on in life, from following your dreams, moreover, hinder you from a higher paying job?

Ø Did you know that, some employers and professions will not hirer felons or individuals convicted of any drug related charges?

Ø Did you know, that some drug conviction can and will cause your divers license to be suspended?

              Most importantly did you know, that under some types of convictions, you will spend the rest of your life behind bars. Under the mandatory disclosure, informing  young teenagers, that  by them  joining a gang it can lead to a life of criminal activities leading to a conviction and imprisonment. Ultimately, robbing a young man or woman of their future.

The proposed Gang management system will require mandatory disclosure of those who operated under the banter of gang organization,  under the intent to form a gang, and recruiting children.


(Gang Code)

      This is a proposal, that will change the number of gang organizations, gang member, and  affiliated individuals throughout the state. Forcing them as such, intentionally, underground by posting rules, and regulatory schemes” sending them a clear message, that in the event any gang organization, or its members, or affiliates get caught in the act of the various violation established under the new act. The organization, individuals, and or affiliates, found to be in violation of the (Gang Code) under the Colorado State Gang organized Business Act, the tax code, RICO Act, COCA Act. Where upon such violation, the organization, individuals, or affiliates, found to  be in violation, and have be deemed to have willingly, knowingly, and intelligently engaged in activities without authorization. Said violators, shall be further sited  to be in violate of the UNDERGROUND ORGANIZED GANG ACTIVITY ACT (to be lobbied and legislated) thereafter, becoming a crime under the state statutes, punishable by imprisonment. Under the U.O.G.A. Act a separate schedule for imprisonment shall be established, outside the current statutes. Solely based upon, the length of membership, and the violators’ willingness to rehabilitate from the gang life in compliance, with the Gang Code.

Under the U.O.G.A. Act proposal, the intent is to separate hard-core gang members, from non-violent misguided individual. Who only needs a nudge in the proper direction. By implementing, and providing alternate education in the form of a recommended career in the military, anyone who accepts the terms will, in addition, receive an alternative deferred sentence under the Gang Code Management provision.

     The recommendation to gang management (R.G.M.) Is as aforementioned; the legislation should pass laws that require a gang organization to become fully license, registered and carry liability insurance.  The first stage of the proposed, legislative intent,under the Gang Codes'  legislative intent. The state should issue a public awareness notice. Noticing the requirements, under the Gang Code, which shall be circulated throughout the public school system giving notice, that if any under age Children are left unattended, to become recruited into gang organization. The parent shall become liable for the child’s involvement in gang activities. Any parent, parents and or guardians found in violation. Will be subjected to fines under the (Gang Code) pursuant to the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act. Because of such violation, said parent, parents, and or guardian may be ordered to obtain liability insurance on the child.

     Under the proposed Gang Code, if a juvenile child is found to be a member of a gang. The gang organization’s oldest member will face charges of constructive child abuses, contributing to a minor in violation of the Gang Code, and the U.O.G.A. Act.


      The Colorado State Gang Code, is a deterrent plan designated to discourage gang activity, while legally levy annual registration fees on gang organizations. The C.S.G.C. is the piece of legislation, proposed, for the education of gang organization, and that of the masses as to the intent of the Gang Code. Through education, and new laws passed that, will place the burden of compliance upon all gang organization, to go legit. The purposes is to expose gang member’s first hand to their individual, obligated responsibility, and in the process hold all gang organization to accountability, the same as any other organization, organized for business. The state shall impose sanctions, and regulatory schemes, upon any person (s) who are in the gang without authorization, and or are in the gang for fun. Such person (s) will learn firsthand, of the necessary paperwork needed to run an organization a gang organisation in the state of Colorado, specifically, when a child or minor is put into an harmful environment.

      While strongly suggestion the public consensus, “that children do not run anything.” Further implying, anyone who use, recruit or otherwise with intent attempt to draw in a child or minor into any gang activities. Such activities will, indeed, meet with the business end of the General Assembly's legislative intent of fines, and criminal prosecutions. The General Assembly's intent is for the Gang Code to break the gangs’ pocket book money, first in fines, fees, and court cost. Secondly, the impose county jail time under a misdemeanor violation. Thirdly, by educating the gang organization, and its members. Moving them towards compliance, under the Gang Code. Lastly, by providing a watchful brother, and sister recruited out of the gang organization, under the regulatory scheme and requirements.

          Pursuant to the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s  (Gang Code); There is a zero toleration for child exploitation, and abuse; this is the key legal platform. Following that, all adult gang members must register, apply for license, and carry liability insurance, no exceptions to the rule. By imposing the grueling demand for compliance, trough the Gang Code. Moreover, Pointing out the paperwork, (RED TAPE) involved, will change the mind of a bad idea of “gang bang” in the state of Colorado…because of this type of legislative law; the gang members will comply or leave Colorado.

          Another key point of interest; the proposed legislation will incorporate gun control,  and enforcement stealthily under the Gang Code. The registration will track potential gun purchasers, who may act out with violence at a latter date. All gang members, who buy guns legally in compliance with the Gang code; will allow the state to calculate, who is who. Furthermore, under the Gang Code, the whole gang organization can be, held liable, for any illegal possession of  hand Guns or firearms not properly registered under the Gang Code requirements. Even a member who has a gun must under, the gang code disclose it. Under the Gang Code all black market weapons, shall fall under the provisioned requirement. Thus, gang members, will all become liable for each other, and will more then likely detour from handling black Market guns, due to the stiff requirement, and red tape.

      Today, there is no other piece of legislation on the books, that will kill more than one bird with on stone. Only, through strategic administrative tracking of records, will prove valuable down the road. Once the data is properly sorted into its place as a tool, unseen, stealthily, in the form called (triggering information).  As an example, in comparison of the  responsibility of owning a car. While said car is in operation, and if misused, by its owner can cause, property damage, injuries, and even the loss of life.
          In all cases drinking and driving is an irresponsible act on the behalf of the operator (owner); this being a true assessment, under the scenario statistic dictate, that it happens all the time. likewise in comparison, while operating a gang organization, while intoxicated also tends to cause members to act irresponsibly on behalf of their gang organization. Such member's operating such organization irresponsibly, under the itinerary of gang business if misused can cause, property damage, injuries, and even the loss of life, this is the reality of the comparison.

          The Gang Code is a good piece of legislation, that will isolate the bad seed.  Promote, and cultivate responsible gang members. Thus, making the state of Colorado a better place to live, and raise healthy families free from the gang mentality. Mainly the Gang Code shall make gang life less attractive for young mindless individuals, who are lost to begin with absent direction, and disciplinary attributes.

          Based upon the existing statutes; the Gang Code can be incorporated with other statutory mandates in unison connecting the needed grounds, and platforms to allow the Gang Code to constructively operate independently, and may be enforced through the new pilot program under the court rules, for business.

          The legislation should consider a private organization to monitor or be a buffer between the community, and the state. Such an organization/agency shall be commissioned for marketing, posting public notice, and  promote ongoing public awareness under contract and management agreements, and or a group of legal business shall be selected as a mentoring, under the Executive’s Community Inter Phase Committee, the E.C.I.P.C. shall be created under the Colorado Gang Organized Business Act. (Gang Code) as a buffer, insuring, that the state is not monopolizing the management of community affairs, and or infringing upon business rights. The Gang Code will have a constructive component to which will give an opportunity towards corporate participation in the form of mentoring; the creation of a deterrents scholarships program to guide youth away from dysfunctional activities to which will lead them to criminal activities and or gang banging.

          E.C.I.P.C. shall consider all community issue, such as the expanding international business with Japan. Implementing as a tool; the no stop flight from Tokyo Japan to Denver Colorado. beyond the shadow of doubt, Denver will attract high profile clients, business, and industries solely based on the flight connection. Moreover, it would be nice to send a clear message through the Gang Code, that the state of Colorado operates a gang deterrent legal system from which will discourage gangs from relocating to Colorado. Deterring,  gang activities to which would otherwise increase the crime rate putting foreigners in danger; on the other hand, will discourage foreign gangs from setting up shop in Colorado.

          International business will be promoted, sending a message, that an international family relocating to Colorado due to the direct Denver flight access, any business executives, and their families can rest assured, that their children will be, protected under the Gang Code.

          There will be countless opportunity of participation under various applications from tapping into our youth’s intellectual assets for the early determination of a rouge youth who will more then likely plan a mass killing based upon the foot print left by various component of the Gang Codes’Intel spider web

          Once again, the Gang Code has indispensable value. Once the Gang Code has been, put in motion, thereafter the youth and citizens will learn how to identify a gang organization. Moreover, will be motivate children, minors, and young adults to freely speak to their friends, directly informing them about, gang affiliation, of how it will affect their parents. Informing them of leading their parent, and them both to no good end. The anti gang mentality will automatically, become a natural mass mind set, and the laws and regulation will promote itself, once properly posted among the public at large. In most cases, and scenarios the law will promote gang free zones automatically established by the masses.

           There will be available, under the Gang Code a provision for community voting to have a gang free community. The provisional language states, that no unregistered gang organization, or its members may setup shop, or claim territory within the gang free designated zone. Such provisions may be incorporated, in the current business zoning codes as an added business operation. Under the Gang Codes organizational classification, The constructive penalties are similar to the rules under the drugs free school zone. Through new laws made available, such new laws may be incorporated in the neighbor hood covenants.  Neighbor hood associations, may adopt the new laws through the Gang Code specific statutory provisions, converting the whole neighbor hood in to a gang free zone.

           Good legislation, will provide a advocacy for gang free community, and in the process set the state of Colorado ahead of the curve in the solving  for “X” the future education and awareness as a "toll" for shining a bright light on  "gang banging" reveling, that it is a destroyer of lives.

          By utilizing, the Gang Code’s: psychological evaluation, psychiatric evaluation deterrent programs dedicated to the early identification of a potential violent mentally disturbed individuals who would otherwise develop into a killer, wife beater, an menace to society, an violent promoter and recruiter, or develop into a violent leader of others spreading violent tendencies unto them. Under the Gang Code, teachers, doctors, psychiatric, law enforcement, social workers, parents’ citizens, must report such violent behavior to the appropriate agency, and will do so as an anonymous tip. Moreover, under the Gang Code the public at large shall be, trained, through the provisioned media promotion of awareness programs, section, of how to detect potential rouge individuals who display the symptoms of a sick mind. Alternatively, once implemented the Gang Code and its programs and components shall actively be engaged in the collection of unhealthy materials identified as terrorist contraband, or unauthorized gang materials.

          Under the proposed imitative it is thought, that a psychiatric public safety risk philological protection agency for preliminary investigations, and mental stability testing. The agency shell have the power to issue an summons, requiring a resident to go for testing escorted by, and officer to the testing facility authorized in the privates sectors, early detection program confidentially initiated by an concerned citizen or officer.

          Here as contemplated, an opportunity for legislators, to put in place a nerve center geared towards catching abnormal behavioral thinking. By creating, and authorizing an agency dedicated to monitoring the social environment of  young adults as a whole. Thereafter, creating a new style of marketing methods, that will produce reality checks in the form of mass notice, and educational material. Specifically, targeted towards promoting an optimistic, approach of self-social awareness, and motivation, towards the training of the next generation. By properly, instructing them of how to police them selves towards a common goal, in the process giving them a new awareness in the best interest of public safety.

          This type of proposed Public Awareness Agency should be, first, introduced as a none-law enforcement agency. However, this none intrusive agency officer should be more likes, a meter maid, with an official office and a badge. The idea is to assure the public at large, that the state interviewer has no real power other than to issue a summons, or order a person to undergo voluntary psychological stress testing. On the other hand if the officer is accompanied by a police, sheriff the combined authority allows the state interviewer to convert his or her power into a superseding authority equivalent to a judge. The interviewer can impose any order to an police officer, and or the agency to be carried out without delay. This is the illusion created, so that when a real issue comes about; the state interviewer will be able to do their job without interference. One should keep in mind, that the states’ interviewer is harmless, legally, by themselves. Therefore giving, the interviewer the ability to move freely through the community. For example, when the interviewer is call to interview a resident or suspected citizen, whom is thought to be under stress. The person will receive the attention needed to assess their mind set.  Under the supervision of the  proposed department or agency independently.  However, such department or agency is commissioned under the code; the agency will develop none intrusive monitoring techniques, that will not interfere with a persons natural rights to freedom, property, and pursuit of happiness. Perhaps like jury duty a citizen may come up for stress testing; such testing may, be incorporated in under the Gang Code.

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