Thursday, August 1, 2013

Required Licensing and Registration For Gang Organisation and its Members

Created by;  Gary W. Wilder                                                                            Thursday August 01 , 2013

A product of Political Intellectual Property, Inc.

Recommendation for Gang (s) Management; Under the Requirement that, All Gangs Operating In The State Of Colorado must Obtain Liability Insurance Coverage, In The Interest Of Public Safety.
Required Licensing And Registration
The focus, under the proposed initiative The Colorado Gang Organized Business Act’s (Gang Code) regulation and gang management, specifically, from the prospective of   public safety. Wherein under such the issue of  the lobby efforts for legislative laws to be passed that, would require gang organization to be bonded and  carry liability  insurance under the regulations of the (Gang Code).  
Retrospectively, the same as any, business, organization that move about the public; in a like manner as, as required of any law enforcement officer whom must ethnically observe the laws when dealing with the public, so shall the gang organization be held accountable for their movements and interrelations, within the public. More importantly,  gang organization “shall” become responsible for public safety while carrying out their activities, meetings, gathering, and parting, too include rival gang encounters.
Since gang life is a chosen way to live, Therein lays the existed elements of unpredictability. Therefore, under the proposed initiative, a legislative law would be passed, that shall include the required imposition of bonding and insurance. To become statutorily regulated action to be required of all gang organization , resulting in direct interference by the state or government; thereafter discouraging the desire to engage in gang activity.

By the newly proposed legislative requirement, all gang organization will maintain a clean license and liability Insurance policy. In addition, shall complying with any other type of license requirements, such as driver’s licenses as of which under the classification of gang member. Under the legislative intent, there would be the requirement that, a gang member must maintain all other required licenses.
Under the Public Safety and Responsibility (ACT) an proposed additional act to be passed in support of the overall initiative, by the simple enforcement and education suggesting the observance of all licensing requirements and regulation towards all gang organization as a group. Following such emphasizing, that in the event a single gang member is, found to be, operating without a license or insurance. Such a gang member shall be held as a (liability) toward the main Gang Organization as a group classified entity, from which he or she belongs. In such cases, the gang organization will be, fined for any member found to be in violation. Thus, following such violation at cause; the Gang Organization will become engaged with the secretary of states internal affairs, until the member (s) in violation are brought in to compliance, with a valid license and proof of liability Insurance with the states internal affairs. To be done under the legislated gang regulation. As a proposed suggestion; this may involve the traffic courts system, in such cases. The engagement with the state will remain active until such court matters have been resolve, by both the gang organization and their member in violation has paid the fines as imposed.

 In a like manner, as any other regulated profession such as, insurance agent, agencies, collection agencies and collectors, nurses, doctors, lawyers and any other known regulated profession; emphasizing that, [G]ang Organizations and its members, are in fact a chosen profession. Each individual, as members or for all point and purpose, are engaged in their selected choice of profession… no matter, the level of their professionalism. It shall, be regulated by the state as a liable organization and profession.

All Gang Members and Gang Organization, shall, undergo registration due process, and pass state orientation exams. Under such, they must become familiar, with the rules and regulations of the laws regarding various statutes and the Uniform Commercial Code; (currently) known to be broken by and or violated by Gang Members prior, leading to their convictions for criminal activities. Moreover, under the proposed Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s (Gang Code). Should, a gang member be confronted by a Regulations Officer, and that (Officer) he or she, has determined that, a person is acting unregistered. The Gang Organization named, thereafter shall be, fined for their unregistered member. The unregistered member (person) shall be, summonsed to civil court to answer the complaint. Whereat, an fine a fine assessment hearing will be held in determination of the fines assessment, towards both the gang organization and the (person) whom was found to be acting as an unlicensed gang member.

          Thereafter, upon the failure to comply with the fine payment arrangement shell be converted in to a 10-day jail sentence for violation of registration for first offence failure. In addition, the court my issue and debriefing order. Requiring, that an revaluation of the gang members status as an alternative to confinement. The court may consideration the recommending for reeducation, in the form of anti gang member classes.

The system of registration, due process, under the proposed gang management initiative shall, be used to establish the recruitment of gang members in addition, thereof. Where a state requirement of keeping minutes of every organizations meeting, to be done by it’s member. Following, each organizational meeting; the records are to be made available upon request for viewing by the secretary of state, in a like manner as required to be done by, any other legitimate organizations and its lawyers, registered agent of an corporation; the gang organization must play by the same rules as any other organization in operation in the state of Colorado.

The tax code shall, be a key point of administrative, control for the state to keep, audits in view should the gang organization fall under investigation for tax violations. The concept behind the program registration and license, where it is used to help young gang members realize the depth of the responsibilities in the undertaking of the perpetration of a gang organization to which is regulated under the law. It is hoped to acclimate them of the laws, under the requirements of management,  under the requirements of regulations, and the requirements of compliance. Including, the objectively implied consequence, of what happens when organization are not in compliance with the various state departments, who are responsible for the enforcement of statutory laws and its administrative schemes, including the necessary, and proper  paper work involved with being a gang member as apart of a Gang Organisation.

Under the proposed initiatives gang management requirements; by the state’s  hands on approach, thereafter, will change a young misguided, inconsiderate and irresponsible gang member into a responsible gang member. Ultimately, encourage them to get further education and stay clear of gang activities. For it is a lot of paperwork involved with being a gang member, that one must obtained and receive  a licenses from the state to operate as a gang organization, where in after  such member (s) must agree under the Gang Code, not to break state laws.

Ultimately, this will take the fun! Out of GANG BANGING, converting it in to a professional undertaking ( outside the current criminal element of engagement, as currently done by the legal-justice system, and local law enforcement agencies), under the proposed initiative of gang management, a form of self gang management, in the form of limited amnesty in exchange for compliance, shall exist with organizational participation. Thereafter, under such, all gang applicants… shall be asked: (one) what value will the gang organization contribute towards the public’s interest? , and (two) in what form will the gang organization contribute towards the prevention of gang violence? The Secretary of State shall, under the regulatory scheme of the (Gang Code) require the gang organization to submit a mission statement towards this single objective interest, the verification of the gang organization’s interests and intent towards public safety.

Created By Gary W. Wilder

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