Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Initiative Proposes the Imposition of Regulatory Control Over Gangs Cash Flow

Created by;  Gary W. Wilder                                                                            Tuesday July 09 , 2013

A product of Political Intellectual Property, Inc.
Directed to: Colorado General Assembly
The First Regular Session of the Sixty-ninth General Assembly

Proposed Initiative: Self Management of Gang Organization by Classifying Gangs as Business Entities and by  Further Requiring Gangs to Comply with U.C.C. and State Laws Governing Business Operation.


Name: Community Project 73 Initiative 

Subject: Recommendation to Gang Management

The Recommendation for Gang Management, Through The Colorado Secretary Of State. The Initiative Proposes the Imposition of Regulatory Control Over Radical-Rebellious Organizational Operation In Violation Of State Statutory Business Requirement Of Registration And Licensing When Operating Any Form Of Business For profit Or Non Profit.


      The proposed initiative, seeks to lobby for a new legislative laws to be passed that, would give the Colorado Secretary of State, the ability to secure the public’s safety through a specific regulatory scheme. First, for consideration is the fact, that gangs are not regulated by any city or state ordinances, statutes. Thus, becoming an critical point of view for further consideration under the proposed initiative of gang management. Secondly, asking the question as to why should gangs be free from state and local business ordinances, regulation requirements of licenses and registration like any other organization for profit or non-profit, as a business?

 Under the initiative as proposed it will suggest that, Gangs should be required to register and obtain licenses and establish grounds for its creation and existence, whether friendly or non-friendly regardless; all gang organizations, must be required under the new laws to become registered and regulated by the Colorado Secretary of State, and to be required to register in addition, under Revenue Departments.  Whereat,  all Gangs in operation in the state of Colorado, must pay taxes on all earned income or cash generation… like, all other organizations for non-profit, and or business for profit.

Regardless, gangs are in fact an organization, and shall be classified as an organized business, whether legal, or illegal, matters not under the proposed initiative. Therein-under, the new proposed laws, there would be specific (recommendation) as a consideration, pursuant to the “don’t ask- don’t tell regulation”, where it matters not… how a business transaction it is documented. Where, one must consider the facts, based upon that, if a fundraiser, back yard sale, auction, sales of services, bake sales, street market sales, any other cash revenues must be accounted for. Thereafter, the taxes are paid and the revenues properly reported, this is the end of the transaction as in trusted to any licensed vendor, retail businessman, restaurants, citizens engaged in special events,  or Gangs who generate revenues) it is the responsibility of the seller, the business, or the organization… to collect, the required taxes at the point of sales. (Regardless, as such to be done "revenue is revenue")... "Seen or unseen"... "call it this or call it that"! makes no difference pursuant to an  requirement to be done. 

Under the proposed law, it shall not ask... the where or the how,  pursuant to the “don’t ask- don’t tell regulation” nor, shall the law give reason, to intrude into the affairs of those who have sold something… only that, the requirement they follow the rules. Nonetheless, if the gangs, and or its members are not as crafty under their hand of business, in comparison with other legitimate organization. As of whom, are required to register and pay taxes. Then this is a problem, that a gang organization, and  its members must face on their own. Their only allowed solution, under the new law, is to obtain legal advice. Moreover,, become compliant like everyone else.

 Please... be aware of the fact that, I will post the complete proposal OF 40 PAGES in separate postings by heading or subject, giving the opportunity for readers to post their comments and ideas.
 In addition, this initiative needs your direct support in the form of sponsorship in the form of donations, Thank you for your support!

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