Friday, November 1, 2013

Nevada Sparks middle school shooting: Another suffering child’s reality of radicalized and misguided thoughts, leading to a deadly event. The child’s suffrage under the condition of mental illness and developmental abandonment cause by the lack of supervision and/or have been left unattended as defined under the proposed Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s Gang Code.

Created by;  Gary W. Wilder                                                                            November  01 , 2013

A product of Political Intellectual Property, Inc.

      In continuation of posting the segments of the proposed Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act and its Gang Code. The current events of random school shootings that have taken place during the posting of the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act and its Gang Code. Have, created a parallel interest regarding the proposed provisions that directly deal with the misguided youth who commit horrific senseless killing of their peers.

        The following support the need for a specific language of the law, directly addresses the well being of our children. The Gang Code is the vehicle chosen to accomplish such by specific language of the law, incorporating existing laws having a mutual parallel interest between gang organization, and children. Including misguided young adults whose suffrage under the condition of mental illness; developmental abandonment cause by the lack of supervision and/or have been left unattended. The hidden cause of random shootings; done by such misguided children, and young adults.


          The Colorado State, Gang Code, will provide an avenue called immunity for the tax payments, gained from the sales of an illegal substance known as cannabis. Where its is common knowledge that, gangs primarily sale marijuana and indulge in the use of such as a part of the gang culture, here a consideration is taken into account based upon the legalization of marijuana. However, gangs do not care about any laws put in place. Nonetheless by putting the Gang Code into action, the regulatory provisions will force the gangs to pay their taxes under the amnesty law, for the sales of any substance reflective of marijuana under the code. The gang organization must disclose any sales by paying the taxes derived from any sales no questions asked under the code.       

          Therefore, under the code’s amnesty, the Gang Organization shall pay taxes for the sales of legalized substances. Wherein a license shall not be granted do to the gang organization status. However, the amnesty clause of the code should correct the tension; under the don’t’ ask and don’t tell”status quo” shall be adopted as a remedy, until the legal sorting out of the permissible and impermissible are further defined.  (In the mean while, the state can generate a funding source towards the lesser of two evils). Further, pointing out that, if a gang organization becomes registered and fully licensed and carry liability insurance. Then, under the code a consideration is given, however, not encouraged. The amnesty to pay taxes is the, triggered, no harm-no fault under the inevitable reality that gangs sale marijuana anyway. In addition, the gangs are getting away without paying state taxes.

          However, should a gang organization or its members be caught selling marijuana without being registered, licensed, and insured pursuant to The Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s Gang Code, such gang organization and/or its member are clearly braking the laws, subjecting themselves to the penalties as if marijuana were not legalized. Therefore, by default the gang organization and its members willfully activate old legislative laws pertaining to the illegal substance.

         Even though marijuana is legalized it must be authorized under the law. This includes proper registration, licensing, and liability insurance. When in absent of such, the state could invoke, the old laws pertaining to charge and penalties for violation. Only gang organizations that operate in a gray area shall be subjected to the above based upon some other criminal enterprise. Normally a citizen or resident properly authorized under the law by licenses, who engages in marijuana sales and its use thereof, shall be exempt from prosecution in the state of Colorado…no exception. This is a key point aimed at the organized sales by gang members. Whereat, it is suggestive that it is best to not be engage, or be affiliated with a gang if you use marijuana. Moreover, a non (gang affiliated) individual can engage freely without interference; the encouragement to remain gang unaffiliated. Moreover, only possessing the schedule amount avoiding the gateway to prosecution, as long as a resident stays in the parameter as setup by the legislative laws then a resident in the state of Colorado will remain exempt from prosecution with no exception.

      Only gang organizations will fall under the scrutiny pursuant to the Colorado state Gang Code, (the controlling gate keeper) under this proposals as presented. Thus, a state or federal government can gain control of gang activities in their state by [practical gang solutions] By forced disclosure of truth under the Gang Code. Gangs exist due to lack of education, and regulative control due to economics. The state of Colorado, lack a direct method from which to enforce, a none-intrusive regulatory scheme; that will discourages the participation in gang activities by Colorado’s youth. By incorporating business tactical manipulations through public information, and publication; how to manage a gang organization is the legislative intent. The passing of good piece of legislation the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act.

          To which will incorporate, various homeland security acts provision, for the purpose of de classification of local gangs as terrorist groups, on the other hand classifying other foreign groups as potential gang organization under the CSOGBA. When a foreign group is not a terrorist group, must comply with the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act [Gang Code]. Any person, group(s), and organization operating outside of the act shall, be classified as a rouge gang. In addition, the rouge gang shall fall under the terrorist classification as an organized group; or as an domestic terrorist group, operating in the state of Colorado. Said person, group, and organization shall be, deemed as operation with the intent to harm the public. In addition, shall be, classified as unfriendly, and unauthorized practice of terrorist organizational criminal activities. [k] nown as the current typical modus operandi activities of gang members unsupervised and unregulated, gang organization engaged in domestic criminal activities. On the other hand, any gang organizations and its members who engage in any activities unregulated, and unsupervised. Specifically, who engage in the business of contributing to the delinquent of minors and/or enticement of  a child. Such gangs shall be in volition of child abuse laws; the key factor of specific classification and consideration is the difference between being a legally regulated gang organization V. Being an illegal gang organization classified as a potential terrorist group.

          The Gang Code is not provisioned to stop constitutional freedom of expression through organized group activities, which are harmless in nature. The Gang Code is only provisioned to regulate past business activities of groups as gang organization, when specific elements are known to be true or such found to have a criminal element, and do threaten the safety of the public. Thereat requiring a need for some type of accountability; holding the gang organization liable of such impacting affect. In the implementation of the regulatory schemes as proposed, should call upon the legislative powers to create under their duty and obligation to effectively pass laws that will bring meaningful governmental responsibility needed to address the problems head on. Without causing uproar or the alienation of the existing gang organizational, gang culture. Considering of all key points prompting proper introduction, and implication of the Gang Code, Simplistic in its created intent, Will Place the burden of responsibility, upon the gang’s organizations, to carry liability insurance and to further be bonded.

          In addition, gang organization will become registered as a business, and obtain proper occupational licenses due to the Gang Codes’ classification provisional language; if a gang member is engaged in a high-risk hazardous occupational profession unclassified. However,   if such conduct does affect the public at large. It will be considered as a high-risk hazardous occupation towards public safety. Therefore must carry liability insurance because of the unofficial high-risk unprofessional occupational activities of a gang member.

 Under this proposed recommendation towards gang management, the gang organizational will be required to come into compliance with the Gang Code Created specifically for them. In exchange, certain sanctions and consideration shall be administered without prejudice based upon the listed available approved operations. The legislative intent is to separate the good elements from the bad elements. This undertaking being the key factor based upon the voluntary registration and compliance with licensing and insurance requirements.

       This will become, an administrative benefit to the state, and will provide tactical enforcement of law. In the process, generate “vital” voluntary information that will allow the tracking of potential radicals. Based upon such information as AKA to which must be registered as trade names or used names in the line of business. In the same way the collection industries regulation requires collectors to register their alias collecting names as used in the professional occupation. Thus so shall the Gang members operating under a gang organized business scheme, must do the same as any other business.

As a benefit towards the public’s best interest, the playing field will be leveled with the implied long arm of the law. The proposed proposition 73 the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act is a good piece of legislation that will tie bad hands, and free the good hands. Comply! Comply! Comply! With the new regulations, there will be no more operating in the dark. Specifically, if gangs are generating any type of cash, then it shall be, considered revenues generated. Therefore are taxable as such regardless as to how it came to be. Pursuant to the gang code, legislation provides a means in which to legally report monies, while asking no questions if not belatedly obvious, the code imposes limited amnesty under a no harem no foul operative.

 Pursuant to the Gang Code if there are no elements of robberies, and /or violence, if such elements are not present then the code’s provisions applies amnesty. Under particular provisional language designed to expose the lost uncollected revenues as generated by the unauthorized professional sales of marijuana. The code focuses on this generate revenue for redirect towards regulatory enforcement, while educating the next generation with the proceeds generated by the gang business. In the process, funding the Recovery of potential young intellectual assets needed for the future interest of the community.

State Encouragement towards Converting Gang Member Into Talent Asset

        Furthermore, will encourage the gang organization to go legit, and perhaps agree to return to school for further education and reintegration programming offered through the Colorado State Gang Organized business Act C.S.G.O.B.A.  Created for encouraging, the Reeducation of the misguided youths. The legislative intent is to convey and invitation to the gangs, by encouraging this “talent asset” pursuant to a conversion provision, of the Gang Code. Should a Gang member wish to exit the gang life, and look towards a brighter future? Then an education and evaluation assessment of the members association under the statutory provision of the protection code Act, shall allow the conversion and redirect of said gang member status and classification. Under this provision, allow the supervised reintegration back into society through education and debriefing under the Code, any gang member wishing to retire his gang life, in pursuit of freedom from gang affiliation. There shall be a statutory scheme, designed to protect said gang member as if he is a law enforcement agent. Under the conversion provision the converted member shall be consider and x gang member, becoming a “talent asset” as an operative, within the meaning of a provisional agreement to uphold the laws of the state of Colorado. In addition, to protect and serve the community as recompense in exchange for the opportunity to seamlessly be, granted reintegrating without opposition or prejudice.

       Under this proposed recommendation to Gang Management; the “talent asset” pursuant to the Gang Code once granted reintegration, shell be process through the system by converting the member through various steps. Starting by assigning his registration designation, towards education in practical application of learned law enforcement procedures, through firsthand knowledge, acquired while operating as a gang member. In conjunction, with the gang members’ choice to retire, this becoming a earned status call the “talent asset” re classified as an retired gang affiliate. Thus, the reassignment to the status as the Colorado State Gang Guard “talent asset” working towards full accredited accommodations as an officer, converting the enemy into a good asset under the Gang Code’s provisional way out of the Gang. The proposed, Recommendation to gang management.

        The term Gang Guard or Gang Officer is a complex title derived from paper induction and conversion of a “talent asset” the X-gang Member. A Gang Guard (officer) is the equivalent of a junior law enforcement official cadet. However, the paper trail is hidden, deep with in the statutory constructive legislation. A bridge is created between, the various existing laws which permit such to be created, the Gang Guard.

Firmly authorized with in such existing statutes; the application becomes an recruiting tool used in the conversion and promotion of a “talent asset” from within the ranks of the gang organizations through the Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s Gang Code. The GC shall be, based upon the individual redirected education and professional ethical adopted professional conduct. Whereat, the Gang organization and its gang members are for the most part recognized as under achievers for lack of proper education.

          Their collective domineer is bronze over brains, this is their intellectual scheme of forceful imposition within the community, promoting the risk factor of violence in the enforcement of their organizational creeds.

          The Gang Code will promote new options and opportunity brains over bronze. The intellectual scheme of the Gang Code’s provisional language promoting and creating a self imposed acceptable Gang Management tool within a regulatory authorized option of the conversion provision.

          Specific language, will optimized features within the code imposing  an legal automation system for  gun control, gang management, crime control, Intel assets, drug sales control, and inside information, the new law enforcement platform. The old methods are obsolete, and have become an liability and burden towards public interest and safety. Moreover, is a waste of taxpayers’ dollar in the form of throwing good money down the drain without effective result under that current law enforcement scheme regarding gang interactions?

         The legislative intent here is to initiate a new modern application of legislative laws, which will invoke a self policing structure created to curtail criminal activities by promoting, and rehabilitating the criminal minded, the under educated and misguided youths. By implementing new methods, that will redirect their constructive energies towards goal-orientated usefulness.


        Under Youth Management provisional contribution towards, the purposes of correct forms of thinking, initiated by placing other preventing paradigm, such as the elimination of bullying. Pursuant to the GC a deterrent programs shall exist attached to the Gang Code. The purposes is to deter schoolyard bullying to which can be used to promote other children as a rite of passage, in violation of prohibition to gang member recruiting.

          Keeping in mind the target is the offspring of gang members, whom are subjected to be recruited. Under this proposed gang control legislation the form of violence currently labeled as bulling. Where, one could say that it is a form of gang activity and should fall directly under the Gang Code.

All forms of bullying and gang promotion shall be, categorized under the same label within the Gang Code. Whereat, the legislative intent is to provide the tools needed to address inappropriate behavior by children. In the form of violence, committed under the label of bullying and carried out act of bullying. The act of bullying leads to recruiting other children into bullying, and/or leads to the recruiting of children into gangs. Under the GC it is recognized that gang recruiting and bullying are violent form of cultural development. Therefore, should be corrected in a forcefully manner, through the legislative duty and responsibility of the General Assembly for the passing of the Colorado Gang Organized Business Act. (Gang Code); the proposed recommendation to gang management will constructively place a regulatory scheme of self enforcement laws designed to automatically place responsibilities on the adult structure found within the child’s, children’s immediate sphere of supervision. The legislative provisions of the Gang Code place the responsibility and obligation to properly observe the development of a child’s, children’s’ character. Including, the discipline assessment, and mental assessment under the criterion of growth development and education.

          Because, children and/or a child who engage in bullying are also to be classified as a potential violent offender, and are potentially a threat to the public at large. Under this perspective in consideration that, a child may or may not lead to further acting out in any form of aggression.  However, today the average thinking child are inundated with uncensored unhealthy media depicting violent behavior disorder of others, whether in a book or through the television, movies, and/or video games. All allowed under the freedom of expression and speech, and the constitutional freedom of the press.

However, some press materials, movies, and games created are produced for adult minds. Therefore, calls for the parent and other adults within the child (s), children (s) immediate sphere of supervision. The provisions of the Gang Code places responsibility, and obligation upon the parent and other adults to properly observe the development of the child (s), children (s) character. Including, the discipline assessments, and mental assessments under the criterion of growth development and education. This is the direct sphere of schools, community facilities, at home, on field trips, during games, even in the mall where children gather. There at lies the responsibility of all adults to correct any child who displays inappropriate behavior.

         In today’s current society it is a fact, that, one day you may find your self at the mercy of an out of control child with a gun, this is the reality! And for that reason, bullying and gang recruiting can result in harm towards the victim (child) and others who get in the way. A special section provision of the GC shall be legislated towards the imposition of responsibility towards the child (s), children (s) immediate sphere of supervision; the responsibility and obligation to properly observe the development of the child (s), children (s) from the age 0 to 18 and 18-21.

        Any child, children (s) or young adult between the age of  0-21; pursuant to the GC a child cited for any inappropriate behavior will be documented as such under the state law. The child or 18-21 young adult  will be required to carry liability insurance, and may also face an imposed treatment and testing for the purpose of evaluation of the extent of the child’s or 18-21 young adult’s disturbed mental condition. The Gang Code provisions will allow a statutory non-intrusive regulated intervention system for imposing disciplinary treatment as a form of early age correction, 0-21 being the scale of ongoing sphere of supervision.

        Such corrective actions, is mandatory and places responsibility within the child (s), children (s) immediate sphere of supervision. Further placing responsibility and obligation to properly observe the development of the child (s), children (s) character including the discipline assessment and mental assessment under the criterion of grow development and education. All children under the provisions of the GC must be given an opportunity towards an environment free from intrusive unsupervised, unauthorized contributive materials and exposure to in appropriated paradigm. Under the provisions of the GC, the Child Code should interact with each other thereof which should provide conflict free application of best parent supervision in the child’s best interest.

More importantly, the responsibility for a child action is, placed upon the parent and legal guardian and/or legal custodian so appointed. GC mandatory provisioned requirement is that a bond & liability insurance, be put in place.1 In addition, the GC’s will impose disciplinary treatment based upon the assessment of the Child's mental state of mind. Under the mandatory provisional requirement, this shall be deemed as a parental responsibility and parental right to discipline their child properly. No child is immune from parental supervision. Parental enforcement may be applied though the Gang Code provision modified disciplinary action. The provision allows for authorized swatting as a disciplinary corrective action, solely can be ordered by the court upon proper application, interview, and evaluation.

          Alternative disciplinary action may entail, court ordered disciplinary action imposed in the form of 365-day enrolment in a military disciplinary corrections school, designed to install child morality by, debriefing them of their inappropriate behavior. In reality bringing, the child up close, and personal with their ignorant conception of life, the cause of a child’s belligerent attitude, acting out without consideration of their fellow pears. Therefore, it shall be the legislative intent to authorize multiple military disciplinary schools for enrolling a problem child as an imposed disciplinary action in hope of returning the child to proper footing with installed self controlled discipline and respect for other human being.

Adding that, the child’s participation, and successfully completion of the disciplinary corrective court ordered action, and treatment. All curriculums used in the military schools will be later applied as college credits of ethic humanitarian achievement, and honorary student, following the alternative disciplinary action. Once, a child has been exposed to the programming. He or she will become more grounded and further emotionally advanced, more so then his of hers pears. Becoming, a “talent asset” ready for reintegration back into the public schools. Where they will impart, their learned skills and understanding,  towards other children whom may also be coping with unseen issues identified by the “talent asset” where he or she will automatically mentor the child.


       The Colorado State Gang Organized Business Act’s Gang Code shall have a continuing future evaluation and deterrent provision. Dedicated to specialized media search programming, circulated throughout the established posting sites.[2] Providing the necessary tools for the people’s initiation of the routinely search for the potential mass murder and/or berserk human being. Such as the columbine youth that became radicalized and misguided. The Sparks Nevada School Shooting, Sandy Hook Massacre, the Artisan Theater Shootings, all incidents are the work of misguided youth. The legislative intent shall initiate the creation of the Gang Codes provisioned early detection, isolation and identification of potential threats from unsupervised or isolated children 0-18 and 18-21 young adults who may be suffering from a mental illness cause by the lack of supervision and or have been left unattended. Creating the writing on the wall, any child left to themselves will develop a distorted reality, and fall into rebellion with a distorted reality. Thus, the internal undisciplined animal will lead the body of a child to act out fantasies in the real world.

          Therefore, the Gang Code shall be properly provisioned with the necessary tools; the laws put in place under the Gang Code for the reasons that a person who may decide to stage a mass acting out; the potential action is decide by the writing already on the wall.  As of which clearly indicates that there is a class of a separate gang. the misguided individuals motivated by a common goal, and a common condition of their mass mind set highly influenced by the media… such an observation must, be contributed to a child left unattended for overextended periods of time perhaps years, in any case is too long.

          The Legislation and General Assembly must consider , the random act as a complex abduction into a gang organization unknown either by subliminal abduction and or subliminal triggering of hidden characteristics to which radicalize a young individual of  the available mass miss guided members of society. Stemming from children left un-attended ready for radicalization and manipulation by the big bad wolf! Such children grow into rebellion and acting out… upon new horizons of “infamous self-gratitude syndrome” predicated upon identity crises. Thus, are the masses of misguided children, who later become young individuals who are potential cultivated killers, and domestic terrorist? More importantly, are truly members of an invisible psychological sickness (in existence), are cultivated by complacent allowed unsupervised exposure to the “beast’s agenda” to which is a gang organization.   For, our point and purpose, as such this scenario will serve in reality as a form of classification. On the other hand… whether or not seen as a particular following or as an unseen following cultivated through the Internet.[3] Nonetheless, are to be profiled as a gang in form, as such will fall under the operative of the Gang Code.

          Whereat, the only defense is to catch a child, before he or she becomes a radicalized monster. In the future, this is The Writing On The Wall.  Where on, it can be said, there are criminally insane humans. However, the question… best to be asked, is it caused by neglect and lack of discipline, or a lack of proper parenting, or the lack of hands on human touch?

          Perhaps as consequence, the earlier signs of bullying missed, or the missed signs of the victim of bullying...  the two are seen as together, “hand in hand” one interdependent of the other, and to which may cause one to become the other.

          The early signs of bullying are; the acting out of a disturbed child as of who may possibly be suffering from a form of child abuse; that could be also a traumatic condition of insolence due to the unsupervised exposure to the adult world. It is more likely done at an early stage of development, by a family member or by persons within the supervision sphere of the child.  Today’s exposures are undoubtedly dangerous to a young mind under development, a mind that is incapable of sorting out the “rhyme to reasons” and properly assess the given situation. Without proper developmental education or rather emotional associated education. Thus, the process needed for establishing morality and the identification of the difference between fantasies and reality, whereupon, if such is left unchecked, then a child’s ability to separate fantasize [4] from realities may become a schizophrenic condition in early adult hood.

          Under the Gang Code for consideration, whereat when a child is under development for the age 0-6 is capable of producing a suppressed personality if given the wrong information or rather traumatized between theses important years of development. Unauthorized exposure to adult reasoning is an abuse towards the young mind and consciousness. Therefore, a child should be, closely monitored between the ages of 0-6. Therefore, should not be allowed to watch adult movies, reading materials to which will permanently damage their morality and reality barriers, specifically done when in absent of instruction, and disciplinary reinforcement installation. Wherefore, under the Gang Code a child between the ages of 0-6 should be prohibited from watching inappropriate movies and television programs geared towards adult’s mentality, to include violent video games. Emphasizing, that such early exposure is undoubtedly dangerous to a child’s mind under development; the age 0-6  sets the personality of a child for life; the basic program of the human adult is at this stage of development.

Shatter this pre stage of personality development, thereafter an mental disorder will development, and the adult personality form will become fragmented. And, under certain conditions a void personality will surface unknown to the adult, disguised as a potential secret personality misconceived as normal thought. the secret personality will grow, eventually manipulate the person until one day it take complete control over the person becoming the true hidden personality of the adult, the delayed mental development.

          Example; Michael Jackson’s, purported obsession with recapturing his child hood long gone, where it was said, that he was acting out his child hood personality suppressed over the years, the unfinished Child’s business. Thereafter he suffered from “dream dementia psychosis”, the need to sleep and live in an addictive state of being; the dream land play ground created by his sub conscious mind. The oppressed child hood and traumatic deprived mental development. The result of a child forced to live and operate as an adult without fully understanding how to sort out adult emotions from child emotions; the stage of development interrupted and/or delayed or even suppressed into hibernation. A child deprived of his child hood or rather robbed of his child hood as a result, a mental illness persistently will cause the adult to develop a hidden child personality; then a split personality one and adult and the other a child.

A child 0-6 their expectations, should be that a parent priorities is to protect and defend the virtues of the child’s development, as the  modern world encroaches upon the child’s mind and sphere of development a parent must be held to that responsibility towards the child’s development and should be a natural priority. Thus, the statutes should be provisioned to secure such to be unhindered by any outside force, including any laws interfering with such.

1 Because of the past violent actions of young adults involved with random grotesque criminal acts towards the public it is thought that a provision may be applied towards the insurance industry , encouraging them to create a specific type of insurance policy to which may be com mandatory under the law.  The proposed recommendation to gang management does for see that all children may have to carry liability insurance, and it may be that, an evaluation may be done by the insurance company underwriter where the requirement of testing is done under this none- intrusive tactical compliance with the state liability insurance requirement.
[2] The selected posting media will be such as PTA, employer participation and insurance companies, done loadable alert apps for the Colorado school district, through the community awareness network and emergency school connect system.
[3] This is a term related to unseen internet cultivation done outside the gang norm however because it has the potential to recruit a young adult based upon the presented materials it must be come conclusive as a cultic phenomenon that as a whole is an organized group of individuals who express their “freedom of speech” unfortunately it is a targeted effort utilizing the constitutions right to do so! Creating the doorway to influence and recruitment of the week minded individual young adults the followers to be cultivated into domestic killers…domestic terrorist and the likes (gang members).
[4] See: addict , addicted , bigot , demagogue , dictatorial , drastic , eager , fanatical , malcontent , outrageous , partisan , uncompromising. Are fanaticizes synonyms hence the (symptoms) a sign, signal, or symptom that something exists or is true